Ye Olde All Hallows Eve Brew
1 C. Blood Drops
1 C. Owl Eyes
1 C. Cats Eyes
1 C. Chicken Toenails
1 C. Colored Flies
1 C. Butterfly Wings
1 C. Earthworms
1 C. Cat Claws
1 C. Ants
1 C. Snake Eyes
1 C. Monkey Brains
1 C. Lizard Gizzards
1 C. Bat Bones
Measure all magically mysterious items carefully into your cauldron. Once all is filled in, quickly, like a butterfly's wings, mix thoroughly. Let it sit and putrify for a few hours. Then, serve your victims (they shall think they are guests) and watch them transform themselves from dour mortals into delighted children.
shhhh - here are the real secret ingredients!
Brew Recipe:
1 C. Blood Drops - Red Hots
1 C. Owl Eyes - round candy (the ones that are out at halloween (white with orange & black)
1 C. Cats Eyes - peanut M & M's
1 C. Chicken Toenails - orange cone-shaped candy
1 C. Colored Flies - M & M's
1 C. Butterfly Wings - dried banana chips
1 C. Earthworms - gummy worms
1 C. Cat Claws - sunflower seeds
1 C. Ants - raisins
1 C. Snake Eyes - chocolate chips
1 C. Monkey Brains - popcorn
1 C. Lizard Gizzards - thin red licorice strings
1 C. Bat Bones - pretzels sticks

Now here's a FUN thing to do: Let's see how many participate and PAY IT FORWARD!
I love this idea that I found it on Sleepy Hollow Craft Company!
Here's how it works......I have agreed to make a little handmade item for three people who agree to do the same thing on their blog to "Pay it Forward". The first three comments to this post who agree to do this will continue the chain of giving....
1. You comment on this post
2. You receive a handmade gift from me!
3. You post this message on your blog and offer a handmade gift to the first three who comment.
4. Thus, the cycle continues and everyone has fun and beautiful crafts to display in their home!
Just think; a gift and it ain't even Christmas! This is NO Trick! Happy Halloween!
Your blog page just makes me smile! Why should I be surprised? You are the most joyful person I know!!!
I'm just getting started on the blog thing. Where do you find the neat little things you always add?
Hi Carol,
too many hours surfing that's the how and why and where of it!
Thanks for coming by!!!!!!!!!!
"THIS IS TOO FUNNY...thanks for sharing this recipe Blondie..."ooooo, how spoooooky!!" You seem like the type of fun house that i wish my kids to come to your door, do you pass out candy??
"Happy and safe Halloween to YA!!"
xo Jeannene
Too Cool!!! Will be making up a batch!!! Have a safe Halloween!
Thank You for looking at my blog...I LOVE yours! You and your husband are so cute! Our 5th Wedding Anniversary was this last Friday on October 26th~ I pray that we make it to our 24th...such an inspiration!!! Please email me your mailing address so I can "Pay it forward" to you!!!!
my email: sleepyhollowcrafts@hotmail.com
From one "Blondie" to another...Have a fun and crafty day!
Jenelle O'Malley
Happy Halloween Darlin'!!! :> )
Fun "recipe"! Glad I read to the end of the post, as I was just beginning to gather up all of the ingredients from the first recipe. :-) Chicken toenails are scarce around here.
Have a great day!!
Oh my, we could certainly use more delighted children, and grown ups too, in this old world. I'd best be making up some of that brew!
A very Happy Halloween to you!
"OH Blondie, you are such a blessing to me...and had wished you were close by my family too, to see last night at trick or treat!!" You need to post pictures of your family! Thank you so much for your lovely Heart and Spirit, and love our lovely friendship!!
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