Wow! My folks celebrated their anniversary yesterday. SIXTY ONE YEARS! Married to the same person, day in, day out, good times, bad times, three kids . . . wow!
My folks met in 1945 and married in 1946. The war was over, Daddy just back from Europe. While in the service to his country, he left a gawky teen and returned a man. He landed on the beaches of Normandy and was involved in many of the European Theater including the Battle of the Bulge. When he returned home to the states, he was stationed in New Jersey waiting to go home. Well sir, he met my Mother through one of her old classmates who was home from WWII and that was all it took. My Dad had seen the picture of my mother (above) in his friends billfold. My Daddy used to kid him, I'm going to take that gal away from you. You can figure out that they met and my Dad kept his word!
They eloped, breaking my Grandmother's heart! But Grandma came around to really love my Daddy and was proud to call him her son. That generation seemed to be in a hurry for more than marriage. I think that they were in a hurry to make up for the years lost to the war.
There is something about this particular generation that fascinates us today. They grew up in the depression, rallied around the flag against the Axis of terror, fought the Cold War, and spoiled their children T-totally rotten! Well, I can't say my folks spoiled me; I am a middle child after all! But like the rest of their peers, they envisioned a better life for their children than what they had.
I remember when we got our first TV. wow, I got to watch the Mickey Mouse Club and Sky King and Ramar of the Jungle! See, there I go rambling; this isn't about ME, it is about my folks!
My folks have always had an extraordinary love in my eyes. Daddy has always been the quintessential Southern Gentleman, never forgetting his good manners. He has always given my Mom flowers, candy and jewelry throughout their years together. He still opens the car door for her and pulls out her chair. Whenever a lady enters the room, he stands up. My Mom has spent her life being devoted to this man she choose for her husband. Their backgrounds couldn't have been more different!
My Mom was born and raised in Staten Island, New York,in a house built in the 1780's! She was born into an old family rich in the heritage of this nation.
My Daddy was born and raised in Spray, NC, dirt poor, always hungry, looking for a good time or to get into a scrapping! Can you imagine my Mother's thoughts as she moved into her new residence where there was NO electric, No indoor plumbing, and where she had to go outside and catch her own chicken dinner?! Well, youth will do anything for love . . . then and now!
They survived, their love has flourished, they raised their own family, took care of their own parents as they aged. Their backgrounds may have been so very separate but they were both raised to work hard, their word was their bond, and above all, they honored their parents. They have passed this onto my siblings and myself. I am so thankful to have had these two marvels as my parents. I tell them all the time that even if they weren't my parents I would enjoy their company. I like them as much as I love them.
Happy anniversary, folks. I wish we could all have another 61 years together!
God bless them!! What a wonderful story behind their long lasting marriage.
They make a handsome couple and produced a very special and giving middle child. :> )
Love the toe tappin' music too. It put me "in the mood!" ;> )
Oh, wow, six decades and another year! Who could even imagine it in this day and age? What a testimony to dedication and true love!
Your dad is very handsome, and your mom is very pretty!
Happy 61st Anniversary, Mom & Dad!
"This is too SWEET...Blondie, You did such a great job on this "Heart Tugging" tribute to your parents!!"
Can I say what a "Good Looking Couple" They are???!!!" "Wow", You tell them, I said so. Your Mom, "Absolutely Gorgeous and very tiny!!" I just love these pictures, you are such a wonderful and sweet daughter to do this!!
Oh Blondie...I am sooo moved by your tribute to your parents and their love and dedication...What a lovely couple and what an example they have set for yourself and the rest of your family!! Oh if only those vows were taken to heart today as they were then...
Give them hugs for me and well wishes !!
( by the way, I too am a middle child, smack dab in the middle...3 of us.. there's something about us middle children, eh ???....LOL )
Blessings galore today !!!
How wonderful - and what a gift to be able to say even if they weren't your parents you would still like them. :-) Congrats to Mom and Dad!
Oh my goodness. I love this story. You can't make this stuff's way too good. Really. I love your parent's story!!!! I think the photos are great. You are so lucky to have parents together that long that truly love one another. Very special. Thanks for sharing! And Happy Anniversary to them both from Ohio!!
What a wonderful love story! I so enjoyed reading about your parents and seeing their pictures. Your Dad was so handsome and your Mom so very pretty. 61 wonderful for them!
Happy Anniversary to your parents! What a beautiful story of love and life. Thanks for sharing.
How wonderfully romantic :) Happy Anniversay to your parents! Thank you for visiting my blog as well.
Wow! How wonderful and romantic!! Happy Anniversary to your parents! What a terrific story...thanks for sharing!!
Wonderful photos and story. Thanks for sharing :) My own parents celebrated their 50th this past June, so 61 is whoaaaa!
Blondie, what an amazing story. And I love their photos.
Fantastic story Blondie & congrats to your parents.
Beautiful looking couple in their younger days and i bet they still are..
luv Ann.x
What a wonderful tribute - and I adore the music that you chose to go with this beautiful love story!
What a lovely couple and a wonderful story! :)
Hugs, Cheryl
What a sweet love story. Wish them a happy anniversary from California too!
I just love wonderful 'love' stories. I'm glad to see that romance still thrives! Thanks for sharing your folks story, it was a very nice story. I'm about to celebrate my 36th wedding anniversary, I thought that was a long time. I hope to have many more happy years together like your folks! Happy Anniversary to them!
What a lovely tribute to your parents! and how good looking were they! I imagine they still are,I hope your folks have many many more happy anniversaries!xx
What a great love story! I truly enjoyed reading their tale and listening to the wonderful music. Thanks for sharing!
Have been enjoying your blog for awhile and I would love it if you would visit mine (Sunshine and Ravioli) to pick up an award....Thanks!
That is so wonderful. It made me cry reading the story of your parents. I have always been attracted to that generation. They are so lucky. xoxo nita
Thanks to all who read about my wonderful folks. I ask them if they would do it again and Mom says that he still "floats her boat" and Daddy says when he met Mom that he met his "Waterloo".
Wishing everyone could feel the same way after 61 years!
Oh wow, Blondie. What a wonderful love story. Thanks for sharing that.
P.S. I am enjoying your blog!
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