The silent auction for Ava Grace started today and the bids are coming in fast and furious. Please treat yourself to some of the goodies there. Click on Ava Grace's sweet smiling face and she will take you there!
God richly bless all of you!!
I have felt like a little guinea pig on a wheel in a cage trying to keep up with all the bids. Of course, I have had some help, but still, it is mind boggling! Thank you ALL for contributing and bidding! But it ain't over til the fat lady sings. I sing on Saturday night, Sept 22 after 9 pm. Plenty of time to go and look at some of the wonderful offerings - great gifts, decorations and oh my, for such a lovely little girl, our Ava Grace!
Be sure to stop by and take a peek: www.
Here are a few wonderful things to entice you:
From Cindy Ciampa of CLC Dolls. This lady has tremendous talent!

this is from nancy Gerber of Atticbabys. Her work is also phenomenal!
Megan of Magpiefeathers created this wee baby bear!

I can't pick a favorite! With over 80 items, it is sure hard to choose! I will pop in and share more this week - if I can keep up with the bidding!
Thanks everyone - help me keep my fingers limber! BID!
One of the sweetest women on EARTH!!!!!! Thanks for putting the AVA auction together, Blondie! I appreciate being a part of such a wonderful group!
It looks like a great auction. I have been looking around at everything. Thank you for your sweet comments. You are a wonderful person. xoxo nita
Blondie~you are an angel yourself!! Thanks for organizing this auction! I am so proud to be a part of this...Let the bids SOAR!!:o)
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