Sunday, January 16, 2011

I promise you that I live in the South . . .

It has certainly not felt like much of the south in the past month.  Even Georgia is cold!  We've had several more snows since the previous post on the first snow of the season.  It snowed again on Dec 15, Dec 25, Jan 2 and I believe more is in the forecast for the end of this week. 

Here in my little part of the world we are not accustomed to so very much this early in the winter!  Gee Whiz, our worst months are generally February and March!   I am tired of the white stuff already!  Around here, if the snow sticks around a few days, all the old folks say it's hanging around waiting for some more to keep it company! Say it ain't so, please! 

Now, most of the snow came during the Christmas break and most of y'all know that my hubs works for the school system.  They have only been at school for 5 days this month.  And tomorrow is MLK day - yet another reason to keep him home.  I love this man to pieces, you know that I do!  However, he is cramping my style.  Whenever I am cleaning, he decides to tell me another spot that needs attention.  At the risk of hurting his feelings, I asked this afternoon that since his vision was still so good, I was in hopes that his arms and legs still worked well enough to bend over and clean.  Oh, wicked woman that I am.

I am certain that there are other woman who share my plight.  Is it just me or do other gals have a difficult time getting 'er done when the menfolk are around??  Good grief, just sit in front of the tv and watch football.  I don't mind.  Just don't add to my list of what needs to be done. 
The end.


Dixie Redmond said...

Miss Blondie - one time my husband took some time off while the kids were in school. He started noticing things like your hubs has. Then he said, "I bet you can't WAIT until I retire." With a wicked grin.

I'm in the midst of cleaning OUT stuff, packrat that I am. I think if I got rid of all the books and magazines on organization it might clear a whole shelf ;-)

Unknown said...

I had to laugh at your angry face Blondie! I'm with you - even when he isn't right in the same room with me - for some reason I just don't get as much done LOLOLOL I'm so over snow girlfriend. I hope to goodness we don't get any more of it here - we still have some spots that aren't melted and I don't even know if the kids will be back in school tomorrow or not here. Stay warm. Hugs!

Donna said...

LOL, at least my DH cleans and does things around the house! But he still interrupts me all the time, right when I don't want to be interrupted. "Come here, quick", then I come and see that there was nothing that required "quick". Most everything could wait until the next ice age for me to see! I tell you, retirement has taken some getting used to, hahaha!

Lana said...

LOL! I SO get it! You are as cute as Debi said you are...oh, I love the avitar you did for her...
Very nice.

Miss Hillbilly said...

The whole routine is ALWAYS interrupted when the men are home.

And now Stephen is angry that I am commenting and your music stopped. LOL