Are you tired of me talking about my garden yet? It has been so hot the past few days that I have been lazy. I haven't canned much but instead have done the lazy gals job of picking and freezing the blueberries. Freezing blueberries is easy. Just pick, put in a freezer safe ziplock and put in the freezer. I generally freeze mine in the snack size bags. That size seems to hold a smidge over 1 cup of blueberries. Just the right size for most recipes.
I make a lot of different things with the blueberries but what I am most asked for is my Blueberry Muffin recipe.
Blondie's Blue Ribbon Blueberry Muffins
It's true; I won a blue ribbon umpteen years ago at the County Fair with this recipe. It is easy, and yummy!
6 tbsp butter
2/3 c. sugar
1 egg
Beat above until fluffy; then add:
1 tbsp baking powder
1 ¾ c. A/P flour
¾ tsp salt
½ c. milk
1 tsp lemon extract
½ tsp vanilla
1 cup blueberries
scoop into greased muffin tins
Bake at 350 for 30 to 35 minute

YUMMMM...I love homemade blueberry muffins B...I am going to try this recipe..I made some the other day..and I put WAYYY to many berries in...not so great I hate to admit!
I'm sorry i've not visited your blog in a while..for some reason..everytime I would come here...my computer would freeze..and it was just this blog...it seems to be fine now though...
Big hugs,
They sound yummy,I would love to have one or two right now! Beth
They really are yummy. If I was going to add anything else to the recipe I would say, not to over mix once you add the dry to the fluffy sugar/butter. Just fold in gently. The batter will be stiff.
Hey Beth, drive on up, pick a gallon and if you have any left after driving and eating, you will have plenty left for muffins!
Mmmmm-mmm! I can almost smell those muffins now!
Hey, gal! Come on over to my blog because I just gave you an award!
Yum-yum boy will my younges son be happy he ask me how to make fresh blueberry muffins just the other day. I told him I would have to find a receipe. So no more excuses! Cant wait to try them, Thanks for sharing your blue ribbon receipe! Love ya Karen
OOoh. My boys love blueberry muffins. Today I'm making Mojito Chicken.
They sound delicious. I love blueberries, and I'm in the process of talking my husband into planting some. Have you seen what they go for in the grocery store?! Yikes, makes gas look like a bargain.
This looks good and pretty easy to make, I'll have to give it a try if I get the chance. I can't remember the last time I made blueberry muffins, I think its been years.
Those blueberry muffins sound wonderful. We have gobs of blueberries in Oregon and I often freeze them in little baggies just to pull out and snack on. I think they are a wonderful treat!!
Your garden sounds amazing. Sorry its so hot in your part of the world.
Thanks for sharing this recipe. I'm thinking I will try it and freeze the muffins, so they will stay fresh....and pull one out daily and enjoy it!
Trust your summer continues to go well.
That's not a secret code on the first line of my above post. Somehow I got the secret letters in the wrong place. (its my age)
Gonna use this recipe!
Thanks blondie :)
I made these muffins the day you posted it..yum...and very easy I might add..thanks for sharing...definitely a keeper...:)
gave my next door neighbor some muffins today and her real estate agent LOVED em..he said he used to work in a bakery and these were far better...just thought you should know..I love how easy the recipe is..thanks again for sharing...I will be using this recipe all summer I am sure...
MMMMmmm! Those look delicious! Hope you're stayin' cool Blondie!
I love blueberry muffines, so I'm going to try this recipe.
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