winter never starts
before the cookie crumbles
lips and fingers licked
(Okay, so I am lousy at writing haiku. I never follow rules! Good grief, at least I mentioned a season.)
The cookie swap was today. This year we met at Faye's house rather than at the Mexican Restaurant. Faye's house is the ideal place for any good time as she is the ideal hostess. Her house always smells good, looks good and even her pets are well behaved and are not allowed to shed. Faye, I know you will read this eventually and I am telling the truth and YOU KNOW IT. We have to have get togethers at Faye's house or Gloria's or even Brenda's because they have clean houses. Well Faye and Gloria do. I always feel right at home at Brenda's. We share a commonality. Brilliant minds that attract "stuff". Heck, we even sit next to each other because we can laugh at ourselves. Her ying to my yang.
I remember enjoying cheese broccoli soup, some good little meat thing that tasted like it was a pizza something or other, chicken salad, fruit dip, cheese ball and I will not announce the other disgusting things that jumped on my plate like mini eclairs, more fruit dip, mini eclairs and then I washed them all down with a diet sun drop and another mini eclair.
Two new gals joined us this year We enjoyed their food so much we decided to invite them again next year.
Everyone went home with 10 dozen cookies that they didn't make. And then there were extra ones to go around since a few couldn't make it. More for our hubbies.
I have been nibbling for awhile. I know I came out on the good end of this deal. I sure wish that I was a better photographer. All my pics came out blurry. It was probably all that sugar that made my hands shake.

"The point is this: he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully." 2Corinthians 9:6
Thank you sisters for allowing me to sow and reap with you another year. Thank you for loving me just the way I am. There is comfort in friendship. My cup runneth over and my cookies never crumble, they just melt in my mouth.
Looked like a whole lot 'a fun!
Sounds like a wonderful time with friends and mmmmmm...cookies!!
Just wanted to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year!
hugs to ya!!
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